How an Italian woman lives in London and stay happy...the real Italian secret.
Since I moved to London, in 2013, when I woke up in the morning I sometimes felt a bit lonely as the sun didn't come out to brighten up my day and after a few months I started to wear dark colours more often instead of the brighter ones that I used to wear when I lived in my beloved Rome. (Read more '
Why Sunlight Is So Good For You').

At first I didn't realize how sunshine was essential to me for my mood and wellness...I have to admit I miss sunshine and more than that my Italian lifestyle, luxury outfits, fashion accessories, glamour night out and of course my friends to share sophisticated dinner laughing with a good glass of Italian Prosecco (a simple recipe at the end of this post...). I enjoyed spending time at the beach or stay up to late poolside during summer nights drinking wine and chatting was just a memories at that time.
I spent some days thinking about this change in my mood and of course in my style. After a deep reflection I decided that I had to look for something to blow up my mind and to add some glamour to my new life. I had to find my way to live this new life here in Italian way to live in this beautiful and welcoming country.
So, more sunlight resulted in better moods, but can we do if the weather is not like in Italy? It's well known that the weather in UK is often grey and raining and after 7 years believe me that's not just a myth.
When I used to live in Rome, where I was born and grew up (a long time ago..) I didn't need to check the weather in the morning when I was choosing my outfit or I was drinking my espresso to start my morning routine. As everyone knows in Italy, and in particular in the Centre and the South, almost everyday the sun shine even during some chilly winter days.
Being Italian doesn't mean just cook amazing pasta, pizza and tiramisù. While it’s also not true that Italians only eat pizza and pasta – instead we follow a Mediterranean diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean meat and extra virgin olive oil. You might be surprised to learn that Italians are actually the world’s healthiest people. We put so much attention to every details and to our figure.
I would like to destroy the myth: eating pasta doesn’t make you fat. Of course I love those dishes and I have great recipes to prepare them, but there is more...I am talking about STYLE. My philosophy of life for appreciating the beauty in everything, making everything you do in life as beautiful as possible.
Since I was born I have been surrounded by art and history, I breathed fashion and luxury. Italian people put so efforts to recreate the perfect harmony in everything even when you go out just for shopping to the grocery market.
From food to family & friends, and most important, to fashion, we know how to live. If you want to enjoy your life more, you might try living it more like an Italian.
A big laugh, a glass of wine, time to talk and laugh with each other, taking a moment to notice the simple pleasures, make you feel good and look good— these are the keys to quality of life.
I was wondering how anyone can adopt the best parts of the bel paese, because no matter your heritage or where you come from, we could all use a little more 'dolce vita' (sweet life) in our day. Be your best self and enjoy life’s journey. The sunshine will appear to bright your life.
'Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows' ― Helen Keller
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- Fill a large wine glass with ice
- Pour in the Prosecco Masottina, followed by the Aperol and then top up with soda water
- Garnish with orange slices and serve
Enjoy with your friends...
If you like to read more click on
Italian Glamour and follow me on Pinterest to find out my Italian secrets to enjoy your life's journey and stay happy.
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